August in Photos

We're already a week into September but I still wanted to do a little August recap.

I challenged myself to do a daily photo project in August (and challenged myself not to share it on Instagram) and the result was amazing. I love Instagram. It's pretty and I've been able to meet some really beautiful souls. I'm definitely not the first person to say this, but sometimes I feel like I put too much pressure on the prettiness. I look for and take certain photos that fit my feed and sometimes don't even post them because I don't like the way they flow.

Doing a photo a day project was a nice excuse to take photos for the fun of it, to play without the pressure of executing an "artsy" photo flawlessly. It reminded me of how much fun I had doing my Project 365 in college.

Plus it meant I got to #documentrelentlessly which is basically the only resolution I've been able to stick to.

Here are some highlights in photos!


San Francisco cityscape
Hamilton at the Orpheum in San Francisco
San Francisco taxi cab giving me all the NYC wanderlust

As in Hamilton, the musical. As in the musical that had me eating out of the palm of its hand throughout the whole performance.


cars of midtown, a vw bus (brandon calls it a deadhead van) that hangs out in boulevard park in sacramento
solar eclipse shadows / alex hood 2017
vans and pups

Brandon and I watched a pup and her home for a week in August and it gave us a chance to explore and enjoy a new-to-us neighborhood.


stars of the party playing a show supporting local music and a charity that teaches vets with ptsd how to play rock n roll

My husband's band played a charity show right next to our hometown (is there a less awkwar way to describe that? I don't know). They did an awesome job, as always. They went on close to 11:45...PM. It was a late night but definitely worth it.


i had to show my cousins the penny floor at temple coffee. it was their first time really hanging out in sacramento and i think htey were impressed

I got a chance to show two of my cousins around Sacramento and loved every second of it. We kicked off the day with brunch at Pushkin's Restaurant, got coffee at Temple, went to a plant nursery since one of my cousins is a florist, then got more coffee at The Mill, came back to my place and hung out some more, chatting through it all. It was a top notch day.


end of a great night learning how to throw clay at sincere ceramics

I tried my hand at ceramics for the first time ever in August. Let me tell you, I loved it. It was so much fun and I was much better at it than I thought I'd be. I guess that whole thing about letting go of expectations and enjoying yourself really works!


we maid the best of these dresses in the heat (see what i did there)
isn't she the cutest little pug/terrier mix you ever saw?
the best little pug poodle mix ever

One of my cousins got married! It was scorching hot and my legs hadn't been that nasty sweaty since my own wedding but we powered through and had fun dancing our butts off. I stayed at my parents' house the night before the wedding and basically had a sleepover with one of my sisters, except instead of talking until 2 in the morning, we fell asleep watching The Great British Baking Show.

August was a pretty good month and September's looking great too! We're heading to San Francisco this weekend for a trip to the Legion of Honor to see the Degas exhibit. I'm so, so excited for that!

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